Saturday, August 27, 2011

Round two - six to go

Finished the second round of intravenous chemo last Wed - now waiting for the almost inevitable side effects to kick in. So far its only been the 'tingly fingers and feet' which calls for warm gloves and warm socks - if thats all I get, I wont mind at all! Any food I have I can't taste, so that makes eating a bit of a waste of time as well! The ongoing chemo-pill dosage has been reduced slightly, which should further reduce the negative reactions. But hey, life is good. I've been asked to do a couple of media plans for ad clients ex my old company, and surprised myself that I still can - its like riding a bike, it all comes back to you.
Still a few more frustrating tweaks to finish on My Story, (my life story) and on my first childrens book - both have been delayed by a couple of weeks, so my patience is being tested. Had some great 'remember the days' visits from friends from way back, which has been exciting and encouraging. Friends are now turning 65 - that helps put things into perspective - I still feel young!
How blessed I am to have such a great company of friends, family and rellies to support me in my journey - now all we need is for the ABs to start winning again! Roll on the RWC!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

life keeps going...

For a few days after the initial intraveneous Chemo I was left wondering 'what was all the fuss about?'. Then it hit - and I knew what it was all about! I wont give you all the gory details - you might be eating your dinner - but for a few days in week two being lost on the Canning in a sandstorm would have been heaven in comparison. The medical team at Mercy were very understanding, and i was immediately taken off the (very potent) chemo pills, and recovery was swift. I now feel almost human again! So I'm in for round two again next week, and hopefully the regime after the intraveneous chemo will be modified to lessen the almost-guaranteed, awful side effects.
Gina and the grandies have been staying while Mike is back in Melbourne for a couple of weeks, I've now finished my (life story) book, as well as my first childrens book, and am getting a sample 'soft toy' made up, hopefully to coincide with the book launch (signed edition, anyone?). So life is not dull, plenty to keep me occupied, plenty to live for. I've even had the opportunity to share my Canning Journey with a few groups, so I can relive the memories again, Great stuff!
So carpe diem, and full steam ahead!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

'people want to know'

These wise words, from none less than my son Glen, has told me I should continue to keep folk informed of my 'cancer journey'. Another more blunt comment but from a person I respect told me flat out - 'you have responsibilities'. So with that in mind, I'll keep the blog going. And try and keep it interesting! As mentioned, the six month journey has begun, intravenous every 3 weeks, with 'daily pill chemo'  inbetween, scheduled to finish at the end of Jan 2012, - sounds a along time away!
Side effects can be daunting, but there are ways of combating those, and I have great help from some wonderful people in that regard. As also mentioned previously, I have some interesting projects on the go. which will hopefully keep my mind occupied. If youre reading this, I'm always aware that you may also have 'stuff' going on in your life, and sometimes YOU could do with a listening ear or a word of comfort or wisdom. We are all facing our own battles, and we all need each other, so if you want to unload onto me, I'd like to think I could be here for you as much as you good people have been here for me. A load shared is a much lighter burdern! I'll be careful not to bore you, or preach good 'food' habits to you, I promise!
Love you all - chat soon

Monday, August 1, 2011

So endeth the blog - for now

Today was the day - I have had the portocath inserted, which is better described as the 'chest plug' for the next 8 sessions of intravenous chemo, (starting tomorrow) in addition to the pill-chemo schedule which I will be taking 2 weeks on, one week off. So the regime begins, from now till approx end of January. Continuing the blog over this period is a little unnecssary, not to mention self-focused. There are many people out there equally as or more deserving of your time, attention, prayers and thoughts, so while you are certainly free to post comments as often as you like, I wont be doing any blogs unless something startling happens, like a miracle cure, an unforeseen mishap, or the ABs winning the World Cup.
Or if I get talked into doing another Canning road trip!
In between treatments I'll be doing what you all do - getting on with life, enjoying my family, keeping as active as possible, as well as writing my childrens books. Please dont misinterpret this as meaning I'm not grateful for all your support - the fact I've made it this far is due to a large extent to your love, concern and prayers, which I still need and appreciate more than you will ever know.
And I know you're all on the journey with me!
God Bless you all