Thursday, November 17, 2011

On the home run!

Whew! Six down, two to go - its a good feeling. Had the sixth intravenous chemo 'boost' on Wed, and as usual, feeling a bit wonky for a few days after. But still here, still upright, still plenty to give thanks for! Had a great 'This is your Life' dinner (night of the chemo!) for a friend who worked for a client from the agency days, Ziera Shoes, (ex Kumfs Shoes) and this weekend celebrate our 40th wedding Anniversary AND all going to plan, another grandchild from Leanne and Richard! Already a week overdue, so we may strike the double on the one day!
Being kept busy with Hornsnoggle Ferret, books, dolls, and hopefully other merchandise - depends on how friendly our bank manager is to come to the party with venture capital!
Had the chance to talk to other 'cancer sufferers' lately - always a challenge, when their reaction to the news differs so widely, but a great opportunity to give some hope and spread a little positivity into their journey to recovery. Pray for them, as I know you do for me. WIthout it, we have no hope. With it, hope abounds and the healing begins.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

same old, same old...

Its hard to believe its been 10 MONTHS since I got life-changing news about my grade 4 cancer. If earlier predictions were to come true, I've effectively got only 8 months of life on this planet. Thanks to a host of reasons - chemo, supplements, diet, prayer, attitude, I've discovered we CAN make a difference - and isn't it a good feeling to prove the medical establishment wrong? The only news for Nov is that lot of guys are growing moustaches - for very good reasons - so if you get the chance, support them in their fundraising efforts to highlight and fund the fight against prostate cancer.
Otherwise, same old, same old - which I guess is good news! Next round of chemo is a week away, after that, only TWO more to go! Roll on 2012 I say!  Ginas birthday today (historic day 11/11/11) and hopefully another grandchild before the day finishes. Well, thats the plan anyway. Remember, I'm on facebook now, so if you want to connect with me there, I'd love to see you.
And as for the up coming elections, remember the old adage - 'Politics is like a babys alimentary canal, putting in as much as posibble at one end, and taking no responsibility for what comes out the other'
Vote wisely!