Saturday, December 17, 2011

The end is nigh.

Well, not THAT end. But certainly the end of this current round of chemo, which I'll miss like the proverbial hole in the head. Number 8 (last one)  comes up 28 Dec, which means, needless to say, we wont be going far over Christmas, or anytime soon after. Each round is taking longer and longer to recover from (as I was warned it would). This will be followed by the inevitable scan sometime mid January. which will hopefully give me some good news! In the meantime, we have a Big Family Christmas celebration planned for Christmas Day in the local Boating Club, which means a busy lead-up time for everyone. Hornsnoggle Ferret books are arriving very soon (at last!) so they are keeping me busy, as well as meetings with the Cancer Society, where I hope to negotiate a deal on the books with the CS receiving a percentage as a donation. Then theres the website to finalise - plenty to keep the old boy occupied and off the streets for a while!
Lets take this opportunity of thanking you all for your support and prayers through the year - even in the 'down times' - and theres been a few of those - I've been aware I'm not alone in the battle, and its been a constant souce of encouragement. So have a wonderful and blessed Christmas with your family and friends, and give all the glory, thanks and praise to Him who is the giver and sustainer of Life. God Bless you all.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Dixon's Christmas Newsletter 2011

Number 7 down - one more to go!

What a great feeling - even if i'm not feeling great! Only ONE MORE of these awful chemo blasts to endure, followed by the 'pill regime' with the inevitable side effects, then the scan? Then thats it! by mid Jan I'll know one way or the other if its all been worth it, or if I'll be up for another round, after the 'down-time' they have to allow for, (up to 3-4 months). So hang in there with me, keep praying, and lets see what the Almighty has in store for me!
Busy time coming up - off to the SI tomorrow, driving a re-location Campervan back to Auckland, finishing off a few Hornsnoggle Ferret things for the year, help Fay put he finishing touches to a big Family Christmas we're planning to hold in Browns Bay - Christmas newsletters - yep, its all go. Probably the last blog before Christmas - we'll see how time goes, so have a great one, and remember Him who is the Reason for the Season!

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Beautiful month...

For a variety of reasons. Whats not to enjoy about Christmas? A season of hope, goodwill and celebration, made even more real if you believe in the Reason for the Season! A chance to get together with Family, share the great food, happy memories, many blessings - and for me, celebrate the LAST of the chemo sessions scheduled for 28 Dec - what a way to end the year! I'll be feeling halfway normal again by the end of January, all going well. Also a great opportunity for me to PERSONALLY thank all you guys, the faithful remnant, who have hung in there with me ALL YEAR! Its hard to believe i started this blog back in February, and you've put up with my journey, my anger, pain, treatment regimes, diet and supplement raves, colourful descriptions of the many side effects. Give yourself a standing ovation - you deserve it!
Still things to do before Christmas - letters, whanau celebration to organise, take delivery of the first two Hornsnoggle Ferret books, the inevitable round of Xmas 'do's, even a trip to Christchurch to see family etc,
If you're on facebook, catch me there with abbreviated versions of our journey, if not, we'll see you all early 2012 (inless I get the urge to post another blog pre Xmas!)
Be a blessing to others this Christmas - its the best gift you can give!