Sunday, August 12, 2012


What a great Olympics! When the dust has settled we can look back on our Kiwi team with a great deal of pride. As we reflect on the 13 medals, 5 of them gold, plus all the joy of the medal winners, the heartbreak of those who came so close, the satisfaction of the PBs achieved, consider the monumental effort that every one of the team put into their training, preparation, and the burning desire they had to achieve victory. No overnight success stories here, just a result of hard graft, years of committment and hanging tough when they must have wondered if it was all worth the effort.
So what sport takes out the endurance medal.? What event takes the longest to compete at the games and the most time? The answer might surprise you. Yachting. Yep, it took Ben Ainslie (and our own super golden girls!) 6 days on the water, and up to 11 hours of competition to win their event. Not everything went to plan every day. Some days were disastrous, but most were pretty good. Some days they won, but not every day. It was consistency and sticking to the plan and believing in themselves that brought them the final victory.

I feel a bit like that with the cancer sometimes. Good days, mediocre days, some entirely forgettable days. But by ignoring the frustration and hangover of the effects of the chemo (even after 8 months!)  my 'longest event' is made tolerable because I know, in the end, I'll finish the race. and when you have cancer, anyone who finishes the race is a victor in my book. It will take a while - years in fact - but by sticking to the plan, refining our 'training programme' and hanging tough even when it all seems too much, we'll make it.
So dont just be a bored spectator, be an active supporter - not just of me, but of anyone going through challenging or life changing health problems. You'll be blessed, and the person you encourage/pray for/help  will be equally blessed.
Their victory will take longer than 6 days, or 11 hours of competition, but with you on their team, victory will be all the sweeter, and the medal belongs to us all. After all, anything worthwhile in life ios only achieved through a little hard graft.
Off to Oz this week, then back into Christmas Hornsbnoggle Ferret mode. He's been a great distraction!