Friday, January 27, 2012

One year down...

Blame facebook, blame my laziness, blame anything you like - no excuses for not keeping the blog up to date. 15 Jan marked the one year anniversary of my 'cancer news', when I was given 12-18 months and advised to 'get my affairs in order' so its been quite a year. Everything has changed, but then, you already know that. The GOOD NEWS is that the latest scan (results came back Friday -yesterday) shows a significant reduction in tumor size in all tumors, in the lymph nodes, lungs and liver. Someting to be thankful for and praise God for! Still not out of the woods by any means, but it shows the combo of chemo, supplements, improved diet and consistent and prayerful support from people like you are having the desired effect. So thank you all!
Back on the chemo pill regime, no intravenous (thankfully) for a few months, and more tests and scan in another 2-3 months. Life goes on. I'll keep fighting, we'll all  keep praying, and who knows? We just might lick this thing after all. Have a great weekend!