Saturday, March 3, 2012

the ides of March

what do Cantabrians have in common with a long-term cancer sufferer? Answer -they both slip off the radar real quick! Its been over a year now since Christchurtch had its devastating shake, with a lot more following, and its been over a year since i got the life-changing news about the Big C. whether we like it or not, time dulls the memories of any event, and while many Cantabrians are still picking up the pieces and trying hard to move on, the rest of the country HAS moved on. Other major news events have come and gone, and we forget the hardships that are still being felt by so many people in Chch. So with cancer - i still get the perfunctory call every so often, and even an email or txt. But its hard not to get the feeling that i shouldn't have hung around for this long - was it just a false alam in the first place, and oh, it cant have been all that serious old chap. I mean, you're still looking good, you're still functioning - i'll definitety move you lower down the pecking order in my prayer list.
First i apologise for not keeping the blog up to date - i'll definitely try harder on this front. Facebook has taken over as the main 'communication tool' for the news etc. Second - its BECAUSE of all your diligent and consistent prayer i am feeling as good as i am - that and the 'new diet', the supplement regime, the can-do attitude, so please - dont give up on me. Look on me as a work in porogress, and THANK GOD that he is answering your prayer. It he wasnt, i wouldn't be feeling as good as i am.

Still not out of the woods, still suffering  from the after effects of the chemo, which i have been told could take weeks, months, or longer! to finally dissapate out of the system. sore, numb hands, feet and mouth probably the worst of he effects, as well as constant fatigue (not helped by really old, as i was reminded this morning at church by my class of boys!) So take a big breath, and keep up the good work, and spare a thought and the occasional prayer that there is no big flare up of new tumors in the system (it is a frequent occurence apparently with my kind ond stage of cancer) and the tumors keep shrinking and DONT find a new foothold where they can regenerate. at the same time, pray for those Cantabs who are still not out of the woods, still suffering financially and emotionally, and are looking at a bleak year ahead.
Life goes on - and on and on. - May it be so for all of us, and may we make the most of the days we have and the opportunties we are given. You're all a blessing to someone - whether you know it or not.