Monday, July 16, 2012

Thanks no 3...

Crouch, touch,, its not a tedious scrum, just where i am now after the latest xray result. A state of pause, wait, hold - i'll know when to 'engage' after my next visit to the oncologist early Sept. So no major changes, no increases, no reductions, just same old same old - so i'm thankful for that! Quite happy to stay on 'pause' for the time being!

The friends i need to thanks are too numreous to mention, but lets make a start. The Home Group from my old church at Long Bay, who have beena source of knowledge and inspiration. Being with these folk remind you of what heaven will be like when we finally get there. My current Home Group at Shore, hanging in there with me faithfully month after month, through good times and bad.
The pastoral team and elders, past and present, at Shore CC, who never fail to pray for me despite the numerous other people and duties they have to contend with. Thomas Chin and Jim Davis, the two 'supplement geniuses' without whose help and guidance i wouldn't have made it thus far.

Fellow sufferers Glen Lawton and Des Jack for their phone calls and encouragement. Friends like Trish Williams, Mike Pinkney, John Russell, Ted Owens, Allan Macgregor, David Auld, John Stringer, Judy and John Burton, the Macleods, Viv Laurie, Jim and Lois Patrick, Brian Carr, (plus many others who I will no doubt remember as soon as I publish this post!) who are a constant source of support and encouragement.
Our Tuesday am MM group who keep me focused, grounded in reality  and accountable.
 A special mention to Frank who was a a huge help in my earlier 'coming to terms with cancer ' days, who has since passsed away with cancer. Theres a dark irony in there somewhere!

You cant have cancer and be an island. Its just not possible. You either need help, or you  need to be there to give help. Its what keeps you grounded, gives you meaning, and helps you look for the silver lining, even on the darkest of days.
Probably a lot more folk on the thank list - but thats a start. We'll dig deeper into the memories of the past 18 months and come up with more before the next blog.
Till then, keep smiling. keep praying, and live every day to the max. I'm not out of tne woods, but then, neither are you.