Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Used by date showing

Those products that show the used by date - just how reliable are they? Thats the dates I mean, not the products. Sometimes I wonder if they bring the date forward by a few days/weeks, knowing theres still plenty of life left, and they are keen to get buyers to discard the old ahead of time, just to get a replacement sold as possible. Or is it a case of genuine concern for the customer, or not wanting to incur any unnecessary class action if anyone gets sick after eating their nosh a day after the expiry date?
Who knows?

Well, I feel a bit the same. My expiry date has come - and gone- and I'm living in that time-warp that tells me that my time is up. its a strange feeling waking up each each day knowing full well that this could be the last day you spend on mother earth. Amidst the routine of checking on pain relief, constant fatigue, juggling the side effects that come with all this, watching what you eat, and when, if you're able to eat at all, watching as the appetite plummets and the food you used to enjoy you suddenly have no taste for - yes, the message is getting through.
Thats why I still enjoy the visits, cards, emails, txts, calls - as tiring as they are they help me keep  my mind off the fact that the 'expiry date' has long gone, and its the routines including my little health supplement regimes that are helping me focus and stay as positive as I can. Even reading, emailing and the VERY limited walks I can do aren't all that stimulating, particularly as most of it is done in a morphine induced haze.

So don't give up on me just yet. And continue to pray, not only for me, but for Fay who is bearing an intolerable burden, being my caregiver in every sense of the word. Between her, my wonderful GP and the hospice, the huge help from friends and family, I am in the best possible hands.
So we can help stretch that expiry date out till its absolute maximum.
And who knows what might happen in the meantime?


  1. You are in our thoughts and prayers daily Uncle Murray. You may have an expiry date on earth but where you are going there isn't one. All our love Brad, Coral, Eva, and Stella x x x x

  2. Murray, great to talk with you the other evening, talk about expiry dates ! we grew up in a time when you never heard of such a thing. When the Lord says "Murray, come up Higher" you will be ushered into His presence and time will be no more.
    Hugs to Fay, I know she is surrounded by love and prayers, sorry I missed her. Know you are forever in His Grip. Margaret and Bill.

  3. Hi there Murray & Fay, Nice blog, well done, but no expiry date (or 'best use before' dates) in Glory brother.
    Keep the faith - will catch up again soon.
    Lawrence, Rosalie, Adelle & Dave.

  4. Hi Murray and Fay, You may not remember me but you came to my wedding in 1994 and Fay's Mum and my Grandmother were best friends. The last time I saw Fay was when my oldest daughter was about 2 I think, we came to lunch with my Mum and my Auntie. Fay was my Auntie's bridesmaid. I just wanted you to know I am praying for you. Our 3rd child (we have 4 now) was diagnosed with Accute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia, blood cancer,on Boxing day 2011 she was 11 years old. She is in remission but is still on treatment until next year. There have been some very hard times, my faith has been tested, but I couldn't get through it without the love of Our Lord. When I heard about you, Murray, I would often think that my daughter is not alone in this fight there are others we know and care about that are dealing with it too. Your courage became mine. Sometimes God's strength is made perfect in our weakness. Much love and my prayers, Tania.
